As a small business owner, you may find it necessary to charge a convenience fee to customers who choose to pay with a credit card. A convenience fee is a fee that covers the cost of processing credit card transactions and can help your business offset these expenses. However, it’s important to use clear and concise language when communicating convenience fees to your customers. In this blog, we will provide some useful scripts and templates for small businesses to use when wording credit card convenience fees.
Script 1: Point of Sale Signage If you prefer to communicate the convenience fee at the point of sale, consider using this script on your signage:
“Please note: A convenience fee of [insert fee amount] will be charged for all credit card transactions. Thank you for your understanding.”
This script clearly states the convenience fee amount and ensures that customers are aware of the fee before they make a purchase.
Script 2: Online Payment Portal If you offer online payments, you can use this script on your payment portal:
“Please note: A convenience fee of [insert fee amount] will be added to all credit card transactions. Thank you for your understanding.”
This script informs customers of the convenience fee and allows them to make an informed decision about how they would like to pay.
Script 3: Invoicing If you invoice your customers for payment, consider using this script on your invoices:
“Please note: A convenience fee of [insert fee amount] will be charged for all credit card payments. If you would like to avoid this fee, please consider paying by cash or check. Thank you for your understanding.”
This script gives customers the option to avoid the convenience fee by paying with cash or check, while still clearly stating the fee amount.
Template 1: Point of Sale Signage For businesses looking for a pre-made template for their signage, consider using this template:
[Business Name] Please note: A convenience fee of [insert fee amount] will be charged for all credit card transactions. Thank you for your understanding.
Template 2: Online Payment Portal For businesses looking for a pre-made template for their online payment portal, consider using this template:
[Business Name] Please note: A convenience fee of [insert fee amount] will be added to all credit card transactions. Thank you for your understanding.
Template 3: Invoicing For businesses looking for a pre-made template for their invoices, consider using this template:
[Business Name] Please note: A convenience fee of [insert fee amount] will be charged for all credit card payments. If you would like to avoid this fee, please consider paying by cash or check. Thank you for your understanding.
In conclusion, convenience fees can be an important tool for small businesses to offset the cost of credit card processing. By using clear and concise language in your communication with customers, you can ensure that they are aware of the convenience fee and can make an informed decision about how they would like to pay. Consider using these scripts and templates to help you communicate credit card convenience fees to your customers effectively.